Science, Sensory and Process Art

Volcano eruptions never fail to amaze! Even if, like me, you get THE slowest eruptions no matter how much baking soda and vinegar you use! Watching Clara add the baking soda and vinegar to reach “volcano eruption” reaction was reassuring me that this was indeed a learning activity in disguise. We had watched numerous youtube videos about erupting volcanoes. We knew that volcanoes shook and rumbled before they erupted with hot lava so we joked about our volcano “lava” being cold… until it started shaking….THEN the lava was HOT! !

I have found that incorporating Youtube videos geared towards young viewers are powerful tools to help bring a subject to life. Similar to reading a story then bringing the story to life by doing an art activity based on that book. The difference being REAL life in REAL time. Seeing a volcano erupt on a video allows for learning to be on the child’s terms rather than relying on the pictures in a book to dictate the focus of their learning. Often times, watching a volcano erupt red lava flowing and cooling turning the lava into a different color and texture could lead the child to ask more questions, develop more interest which in turn leads to more learning

These next 2 photos are examples of Process art. In the first one, I gave Clara a toilet paper tube with 2+ inch slits cut to resemble “legs” of a spider and black paint. She then gets to explore how to she wants to use it. In a Perfect world, she would use it as a stamper and stamp as many “spiders” that would fit on her paper. I believe she started out stamping then proceeded to smear the paint around the paper. The second photo, I provided black yarn, glue and googly eyes. However she chose to use those items was up to her. She had a hard time keeping the yarn stuck to the paper and not to her fingers! The act of letting them explore how to use the materials is the exact definition of process art. Its not the finished product that counts but the PROCESS. It’s within the act of exploring that the learning is being done.

Leave me a comment with your thoughts or ideas you have for process art or sensory activities! Or let me know what you think about incorporating videos into the learning process!

Until next time!


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